Domestic Violence Support Groups


  • Domestic Violence Shelter: 518-432-8950
  • HATAS, Homeless and Travelers Aid Society, Domestic Violence Program: 518-463-2124
  • Catholic Charities
    Catholic Charities, 40 N. Main Avenue, 518-453-6650. “At Catholic Charities, we provide food, shelter, emergency assistance, and something just as important: compassion. We look people in the eye, listen to them, and make sure they receive respect in their time of need.” Catholic Charities has programs and services in all 14 counties of the Albany Diocese.
  • Equinox, Inc.
    Equinox, Inc. 95 Central Avenue, Albany, NY 24 hr. Hotline: 518-432-7865 Equinox Domestic Violence services are available to all victims and their dependant children, regardless of gender, age, ethnicity, or sexual orientation. All Domestic Violence services are confidential and free of charge. The purpose is to provide safety for victims of Domestic Violence, including the elderly, and offer the support, assistance, and tools they need to escape abusive situations and take control of their lives. All calls are confidential. We provide information, crisis intervention, counseling, referral, and/or shelter. The hotline is available to victims, friends, family, and other concerned individuals. Collect calls accepted.

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