Bereavement Support Groups
- Compassionate Friends/For families who have had a child(ren) die – Meets the 3rd Tuesday of each month from 7:30 – 9:00 PM at Westminster Presbyterian Church, 85 Chestnut Street. Please contact coleaders Jan Messina at 518-439-0346 or Kathleen Kelleher at 518-439-1114 for additional information.
- St. Peter’s Hospital/Post-Abortion Bereavement Group -For Parents who have terminated a pregnancy for medical or genetic reasons. Meets for 6 consecutive Tuesdays from 7-8:30PM. Free. Pre-registration is required. Please contact Maureen Cavanagh, RN, MS at 518-525-1656 for more information.
- St. Vincent de Paul – Meets the 4th Wednesday of each month at 7pm at 900 Madison Avenue, Albany, NY 12208 for those pre-registered. Time is adjusted for the Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays. There are no summer meetings. To pre-register, please call Sister Eleanor at 518-489-5408.
- Perinatal Bereavement Support Group – CARES – Compassion, Aftercare, Resources, Education and Support. For Parents experiencing loss (miscarriages, ectopic pregnancies, stillbirth, early infant death). Meetings are held the first Thursday of every other month (i.e. odd numbered months) at 7:30pm in the Chapel at St. Peter’s Hospital, 315 South Manning Boulevard, Albany, NY 12203. The Chapel is located on the ground floor between the ER entrance and the Main entrance. For dates and locations, please contact Sandi Michael, 518-525-1873 or Memorial Services are offered twice a year in May & November.
- Community Hospice of Albany County offers many bereavement groups free of charge, for both adults and children. Please call 518-724-0200 for more information.
Clifton Park
- Bereavement Support Group – 8 consecutive weeks – Meets on Wednesday evenings at 6:30 pm at St. Edward the Confessor Church. For more information and starting dates, please contact Mary Ann Sekellick at 518.371.7372, ext. 224.
- The Community Hospice, at the Clifton Park Senior Center, offers a “Living with Loss” Grief Support Group, free of charge. The meetings are the 1st Wednesday of the month at 11:00am-1200pm. For more information, phone Meg Parobeck at 518-581-0800.
- The Churches of Christ Our Light & St. Clare’s of Colonie – A new session starting in September. This support group is for those who have suffered the loss of a loved one through death. Join us for 6 Wednesday evening sessions from September 11th through November 20th. Grieving can be a tough and lonely road. Share your grief journey and gain support from others traveling the same path. Meeting location will alternate between Christ Our Light and St. Clares. (carpooling can possibly be arranged.) Time for all Sessions is 6:00-7:30pm. Christ Our Light-September 11, October 9, November 6. St. Clares- September 25, October 23, November 20. Join us for our first meeting on September 11th at Christ Our Light 6:00pm to 7:30pm. Questions and RSVP’s to Pam (St. Clare’s 518-456-3112) or Terry (Christ Our Light 518-459-6635).
- “After The Loss” – For Parents experiencing perinatal loss (miscarriages, ectopic pregnancies, stillbirth, early infant death). Meetings held on the 3rd Thursday of even numbered months from 7:30 to 8:30 PM. The location is the McClellen Street Conference Room of Bellvue Hospital, 2210 Troy-Schenectady Road, Niskayuna, NY 12309. This program is provided in conjunction with the Perinatal Bereavement Support Group at St. Peter’s Hospital, Albany, NY. For more information call Kelly Anderson at 518-347-3399 or Jill Hagan at 518-346-9414.
- The Community Hospice of Rensselaer County offers many bereavement groups, free of charge, for both adults and children. For more information, please call 518-285-8116.
- Compassionate Friend/For families who have had a child(ren) die – Meets the 1st Wednesday of each month at 7 PM at the St. Kateri Parish Center Library, 1803 Union Street, Schenectady. Please call JoAnn Bomeisel at 518-372-8215 or email her at, or call John Powers at 399-2492 for more information.
- Healing Together Support Group – A bereavement group which meets the 2nd Monday of each month at 1 PM at St. Kateri Tekakwitha Parish, The Community Room (under the church), 2216 Rosa Rd., Schenectady, NY 12309. For more information, please contact Jim and Eileen Warlop at 518-374-3914 or
- The Journey Bereavement Ministry: Saint Anthony’s Parish, 331 Seward Pl., Schenectady sponsors a Bereavement Ministry program for those who have suffered the loss of a loved one. The parish has a team of bereavement ministers who offer individual sessions for each person grieving. To schedule an appointment with a bereavement minister, please call 518-374-4591.
- The Community Hospice of Schenectady County offers many bereavement groups, free of charge, for both adults and children. For more information, please call 518-377-8846.
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