About Albany CRG and Get in Touch

Albany Community Resource Guide

Albany Community Resource Guide (CRG) was created to highlight the many community organizations doing great work here in the Capital Region. We have an amazing community and we want to see it thrive! The people of the Capital Region have kind and compassionate hearts, demonstrated by the numerous agencies founded to address social needs and issues in our area. With so many organizations, it can be hard to keep track of them all. This guide was developed to help in the process.

This website was created with two purposes in mind: to help you find service providers and to give you ideas where you can serve in the community.

First, we want everyone to be able to find access to resources as needed. This guide was created to function both as a website and as a pocket-sized brochure that gives you a quick overview of services that are available when you need help.

Second, we want to inspire you to find a place to serve. There are A multiple organizations that are already operating in our area . The challenge is most often finding out who is doing the very thing that you’re passionate about. That brings up another important issue: matching your gifts, abilities, passions, etc., to a need in the community.

If you would like to be featured, please reach out to us at albanycrg@gmail.com